Fertility Awareness
Most of us want to become parents, however studies show that about 20% of the population in the Nordic countries experience difficulties having children. According to World Health Organization (WHO), reduced fertility has become a big issue having major human and social costs, and involuntary infertility has become a public disease.
In Nordic countries, the average age of a woman having her first child is approximately 29 years, and according to research, the relatively high age is an important factor in connection to having fertility problems. However, other factors, such as sexually transmitted diseases, being overweight, smoking and the environmental issues can affect the fertility of both women and men.
ReproUnion is a cross-border collaboration between Sweden and Denmark within the area of reproductive medicine in the Oresund Region, funded by EU Interreg V. ReproUnion is a world leader in overcoming infertility and meeting future demands of managing and preventing infertility problems.
ReproUnion has created a group called “Fertility Awareness” which goal is to ensure that young people have a greater understanding and awareness of fertility and reproductive health, so they are equipped with the right information to make informed choices throughout their fertility journey.